Simon Maxwell

Where next? Setting the agenda for partnership to 2015

Where next? Setting the agenda for partnership to 2015, ODIOverseas Development Institute (London) Background Paper, March 2006 with M Robinson

Can partnerships be improved within Asia and between Asia and its development partners? Following what principles? In what areas? And in what specific ways? This paper recognises the breadth and scope of current partnerships: these are not just about aid. It illustrates the breadth of partnerships in various domains: infrastructure, finance, trade, the environment, the private sector, poverty and social exclusion, service delivery and governance. It then turns to the key choices facing Asia and its partners. These have to do with: (a) aid and aid partnerships; (b) a new regionalism in and with Asia; (c) strengthening multilateralism; (d) facilitating business partnerships; (e) civil society partnerships; and (f) driving and monitoring the relationship. The paper concludes with questions about how to drive and monitor the relationship in the future...................

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