The Millennium Development Goals: An Assessment
The Millennium Development Goals: An Assessment, in Equity and Growth in a Globalizing World, Edited by Ravi Kanbur and Michael Spence, World Bank 2010
This book has been prepared for the Commission on Growth and Development to evaluate the state of knowledge on the relationship between poverty, equity, and globalization. It considers a range of questions on poverty and equity within nations, and the policy frameworks that can best address distributional concerns as the basis for a growth strategy. It also examines the important issue of equity between nations, in particular the possible role of international migration in alleviating this inequity.
Written by prominent analysts in their fields, Equity and Growth in a Globalizing World seeks to create a better understanding of the interactions between globalization, growth, and different dimensions of equity and poverty, and to inform policy makers of possible policy levers to address central concerns in the debates in this area.
Simon's article, co-written with François Bourguignon, Agnès Bénassy-Quéré, Stefan Dercon, Antonio Estache, Jan Willem Gunning, Ravi Kanbur, Stephan Klasen, Jean-Philippe Platteau, and Amedeo Spadaro, examines how poor countries fared on the MDGs.