Simon Maxwell

To Cure all Hunger: Food Policy and Food Security in Sudan

To Cure all Hunger: Food Policy and Food Security in Sudan, (edited volume), IT Publications, April 1991

Problems of food insecurity present a grim prospect in the Sudan: a poor country, distressed by drought and civil war and in political controversy both at home and internationally. The causes, dimensions and consequences of food insecurity in the Sudan are explored in this book, based on papers presented at a conference on food security in Sudan held at the University of Sussex in 1988. The emphasis lies on the north (Darfur, Kordofan and Red Sea Hills) rather than the war-torn south of the country. Much conventional knowledge on food security analysis is challenged. Following an overview of national food security planning in the Sudan, 4 main sections cover: the definition and measurement of food insecurity; growth, structural adjustment and food security; the management of cereal markets; and the question of targeted interventions


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