Now Europe has a chance of global leadership on development policy
Now Europe has a chance of global leadership on development policy, Europe's World, Spring 2007
The EU’s new emphasis on “human security” is designed to prevent development policy being swamped by terrorism concerns. But it could yet divert spending away from poverty alleviation into peace-keeping, warns Simon Maxwell, who heads the UK’s Overseas Development Institute. The good news, though, is that he also sees a new leadership opportunity for the EUEuropean Union in development policy.
A significant shift is taking place in world affairs that offers the EUEuropean Union a new leadership opportunity in development policy. But, there are also risks involved, notably when it comes to the challenge of world poverty. The shift in question is rooted in changes to the global economy and the global agenda. These are moving the debate from national-level poverty reduction strategies to a new conversation about global policymaking for global problems................. (see link in title for full article)